More Paris, Encore

Dear friends and family,

Working feverishly and probably annoying Don, as I know when we get back to Oakland I will be too busy to finish our trip blog, witness what happened with our St. Petersburg trip.

Now in the British Air lounge, awaiting our flight home. Following is a collection of photographs of random sights in Paris; many of which you will probably recognize:

Love the location of our modest apartment; surrounded by the Seine

Close to the Louvre (even if it is too crowded for us to bother)

Not far from the Pompidou

Such a pleasure to walk the streets of Paris

Indeed, our favorite exercise

 It sure feels great to sit down and take the weight off

The proprietor served us huge Campari cocktails, and perhaps that's why I left my purse and blithely walked off, to discover it less than 2 blocks later, but couldn't find the little café for probably half an hour as the streets suddenly filled with people having just finished their lunches and the little crooked streets looked so different. Don and I were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I have not done this since I left it once in a taxi in London years ago. Both incidences turned out well, after a period of extreme panic.

Decorative metro station

Gardens of the Palais Royal, near the Louvre, originally the home of Cardinal Richelieu before becoming royal property. Wiki says: "The court gatherings at the Palais-Royal were famed all around the capital as well as all of France.Darling, you should have been there.
More recently Jean Cocteau lived here, in one of the apartments.
So glad we finally donated to Wikipedia; we use them all the time.

 The Columns of Buren at the Palais Royal by Daniel Buren

Place Vendome where the Ritz is getting a complete makeover.

 And then at the end of the day, coming "home" to Michael and Jill, 
who so generously and deliciously feed us.

Borja and David


Era and Don
